My Zazzle shop with colorful masks and more
My Etsy shop with amazing Zoom Backgrounds
All my books on Amazon
Ready Reply App for iPhone
My vector art and more on Adobe Stock
Portal to my books site
Digital creations: I have been working with animation for nearly 10 years for work and for fun. I create graphics and photo composites using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I write books and design book covers.
Physical creations: I create beaded jewelry and have recently started painting using acrylics - sometimes I animate my paintings, bringing my physical work into the digital world.
I encourage you to create what you love to create, in the style, form and format that is good for you - and take care of yourself by moving around, getting outside for fresh air and exercise every day. Plus - pay attention to what you eat, and eat more "real" food than fake, sugary food. (I can tell you this, because I'm a mom.) Have fun, enjoy life, praise God.