How to Get Fat without Even Trying coverNON-FICTION:
How to Get Fat without Even Trying

"The best part about this plan was that I didn't have to change my lifestyle and I can still eat all my favorite foods, as often as I want!” –N. Joy Eaton

Everywhere you look, you find ways to lose weight: a new diet, some miracle exercise equipment claiming to make you into a smaller person. But what if you want to be larger than life, bigger than average? What if you want to eat all your favorite foods all the time and you don't want to exercise?

This is a non-fiction book released on July 2, 2012. This book gives great strategies for putting on fat, adding weight, getting larger without even trying. Simple, easy-to-understand steps can lead a person from small to average to obesity for life in this user-friendly manual.


Order this book today from Everlasting Publishing!